Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Today we continued to practice with the verb אוכל and created a placemat to help us remember how to properly set a table. We also practiced with the word בתיאבון. We continued going over the rules for shva and the new Hebrew food vocabulary words.

 Using spoons to spell out food vocabulary words

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Today Bentzi joined us and taught us the verb  אוכל (eat) . We learned about table manners and place settings and created our own using shaving cream. When we finished we composed a new sentence for our words with friends wall!

Many new Hebrew food flashcards have been added to our dramatic play center and it's so nice to hear all the children using the words and speaking in Hebrew with one another!


A great start to the week! We are learning some more shva na/shva nach rules and practicing reading with this new vowel.

Friday, November 18, 2016

We had a great week learning the difference between shva na and shva nach and exploring our reading throughout the various classroom centers.

 Shva practice worksheet

 Another version of roll and read

 Shva na tzedaka game
 fine motor and patterning work
searching through chol (sand) to read words!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dear Parents,

In our Chalav U'Dvash curriculum we are learning to correctly use the adjective Tov/Tova. We made columns for Yeled Tov and Yalda Tova and correctly catagorized the children in the class. Also, I handed out tickets to the children who were caught being "tov"...hopefully many more of those to come!

 Reading short Hebrew books with phonics phones

 Another Shva worksheet
 Clothespins vowels- a wonderful fine motor skill!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Dear Parents,

I hope you were all able to enjoy the Lech-Lecha kriah luggage we sent home last week. Please use it frequently with your children. You can make a game out of it--say the name of an object (ex: challah) and they need to find the correct beginning sound. Below are some pictures of us creating the luggage. So much work went into this project and the children were very proud to carry around their final product!

Today we learned a new vowel- Shva. We talked about the difference between shva na and shva nach by playing a moving and resting game. For now we will focus on shva na. We learned that words beginning with Shva are in fact shva na (such as tzedaka, neshama, and refuah).
 Shva cover page

 white board vocabulary words- can you draw this word?
 Play dough vowels!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dear Parents,

Earlier this week we worked on our projects for the art show. Sorry no pictures-- we want to surprise you! Additionally, The students have been spending time reading to me one-on-one so I can get a feel for what they have mastered, and where they may still struggle. I am very proud of their progress as a group!

 Roll and Read- roll the dice and read the word according to the chart. 
1. Monster voice.
2. Baby voice.
3. Opera voice.
4. Whisper voice.
5. Army voice.
6. Robot voice.
This is a great way to practice more reading at home. It's a game the whole family can play. All you need is dice and a siddur.

 Kriah connect the dots.

Building Paroah's palace!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Today we talked all about rainbows. We did an experiment and made our very own rainbow in class. You can do some rainbow experiments at home by following the directions here. We talked about how you need some light and water in order to make a keshet. We've been using the words Shemesh (sun) geshem (rain) and keshet (rainbow) a lot, and it has been a good reinforcement for our segol work.

Another topic we are exploring in Hebrew is colors. We have lots of color games in the class and are getting used to saying the color names in Hebrew.

We have new lego design sheets and are using this manipulative in a more sophisticated manner.